To Whom It May Concern: I’ve just polished off another 1/2 of a bottle of your tasty, 14.5% abv wines… in fact, I’m pretty sure that even though it said 14.5% on the elegant bottle, it was probably closer to 15.2%. Anyway, I hope you’ll forgive me if I stray off topic or get a…
Author: 1WineDude
Tales of the Purple Monkey: Bye-Bye Bush
This way-cool special edition of Tales of the Purple Monkey has Plumboo and I not tasting or reviewing any wine whatsoever! Participating as we do in the ongoing monthly wine blogger carnival Wine Blogging Wednesday, the Purple Monkey and I usually take part via a theme-based wine review. Instead, this election-year-inspired September WBW theme (hosted…
Dude, Where Are The Ratings?
Simple – there aren’t any. Next question. Ok, well maybe it’s not that simple, actually. Astute readers have pointed out that I have yet to clearly explain my wine rating system; or, more accurately, my lack of a wine rating system. So… I will try to explain it but bear with me, because while…
Your Next Wine Mag (Only Serious Geeks May Apply)
WARNING: This is a post for serious wine geeks only. I’m not joking around. Here’s a test: If the concept of whether or not small doses of Brettanomyces should be considered a wine flaw or not doesn’t excite you, then you might want to skip out on this post. Because I’m about to extol the…