Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. “Nice title… wonder how he’s going to get himself out of this one?” Trust me, it’s all gonna make sense in a minute or two. I think. See, it all started with Thanksgiving last week. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. “Not off to a good start there, chico….
Author: 1WineDude
Turkey Day Wine Pick Poll Results!
THANK YOU to everyone who chimed in on the first ever website poll! Personally, I find website polls to be hit-or-miss – I prefer that a poll have a point (to gain reader feedback that will actually be used) rather than those that are just for fun (call me a party-pooper). This poll definitely…
A Local Wine Menage-a-Trois Soiree via Twitter
This exciting edition (is there any other kind?) of Tales of the Purple Monkey has Plumboo (that’s the monkey) and me taking on one wine, but in three slightly (but importantly) different ways. Last week, I participated in several Twitter Taste Live events, one of them being co-hosted by and titled “Drink Local!”…
The Thanksgiving Wine Pick Poll!
Ah…. Thanksgiving. Far and away my favorite U.S. holiday. I used to have a great deal of difficulty explaining Thanksgiving to my European and International friends. That is, until one day when, out of complete frustration during a conversation about Thanksgiving with a buddy of mine in the UK, I exclaimed: “Look – it’s two…