Time for another Twitter Taste Live! event. I know what you’re thinking. Will this herald yet another untimely celebrity death and bring twitter to an equally untimely end? I sure hope not. At the very least, I hope I have a chance to be buzzed before twitter takes a dump all over the Internet. So…
Author: 1WineDude
“Gluttzilla” Lodi Zinfandel Attacks City!!
LODI ZINFANDEL ATTACKS TOKYO! Crowds flee for their lives as “Gluttzilla” menace destroys theme park. Tokyo defenses “only stir its already considerable anger.” July 8th, 2009 – Tokyo Inebriated Press A powerfully alcoholic wine emerged from the basement depths of downtown Tokyo wine and liquor shop Tanakaya today, breathing fire and staging a level of…
How to Solve PA’s $3.2B Budget Deficit – with Wine
There is, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, a time-honored and long-standing tradition that takes place every year. I’m not talking about the February 2nd ritual of watching expectantly to see if Punxsutawney Phil will glimpse his own shadow, heralding six additional weeks of Winter. I’m not talking about the amazing July 4th event that takes…
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini-Reviews Round-up for 2009-07-04
07 Siduri Rosella's Vineyards Pinot Noir (Santa Lucia Highlands): Smokey. As in, *real* smokey. Got a brush fire in this glass here! # 06 Goldeneye Pinot Noir (Anderson Valley): Imagine a ripe little strawberry, folded up nice & cozy in a HUGE blanket. A blanket of BOOZE. # 07 Landmark 'Grand Detour' Pinot Noir (Sonoma…