In the words of the wise and eloquent bard Homer Simpson, “DOH!” Seems that is having some serious trouble this week. It’s possible that many of you have been getting very slow response times from the blog, having it time-out, or are receiving errors. It’s not you, it’s most definitely us. I do know…
Author: 1WineDude
Why You Won’t Make Money With a Wine Blog
I love writing about wine. And I often encourage people who love wine to blog about it, since it’s so easy to set-up a blog, and it’s such a great way to record your thoughts, feelings, and observations as you travel your own personal ‘wine journey’. Sometimes, when a wine lover that I know gets…
1WDTV Episode 7: Parts Is Parts (WBC 2009 Leftovers)
‘Bits & bobs’ left over from Joe’s coverage of the 2009 Wine Bloggers Conference in Sonoma. You could call these rejects off of the cutting room floor, but we prefer the term “previously unreleased gems.” Cheers!
Faked Out? (Tales of a Possibly Faked Wine)
It’s often said that imitation is flattery in its most sincere form. Imitation is also a way of making a quick buck, and in the case of wine has sometimes been used to dupe even the world’s most influential palates and wine writers. Counterfeiting, in the U.S. alone, is about a $200 billion a year…