I know what you’re thinking: Man, I really hope that today’s 1WineDude post somehow combines the Acura Integra, InfoTech department payroll practices, farm animals, Lord of the Rings, marijuana, and estate-grown California Syrah! What can I say? Who loves ya, baby?!? On second thought, I might have painted myself into a serious blogging corner here……
Author: 1WineDude
Twitter Taste Live Tackles Mendoza (and Sees Its Best Wine Yet)
Last week saw the continuation of the latest Twitter Taste Live experiment, which has a small number of bloggers tasting a selection of wines from Argentine producers, concentrating weekly on samples from select winemaking regions within that country. Call it a virtual tour of Argentina, lived vicariously through wine (and the 140-character portal-to-the-world that is…
The Days Before the Flood (Wine Blogging in Mainstream Media, and What’s Coming Next)
“Who cares what wine bloggers have to say, after all?” That question has been posed (with full negative connotation) by at least two established wine personalities as recently as a few months ago – one the most influential wine critic in the world, the other a long-standing wine writer and editor. Well, I have a…
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini-Reviews Round-up for 2009-09-12
07 Penley 'Condor' Shiraz Cabernet (Coonawarra): Really dig the smokey overtones. Don't really dig the prevalent berry soda action, though. # 08 Lander Jenkins 'Spirit Hawk' Chardonnay (CA): All is peachy with this crowd-pleaser – on the nose, on the palate, and on the wallet. # 07 Black Box Shiraz (Central Coast, CA): Rough around…