05 Chateau Montelena Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley): Call the cops, because someone stole the finish from this – it's criminally short. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Author: 1WineDude
Join Me October 22 – TasteLive Invades Germany!
I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is No, 1WineDude has not become a German Wine Blog. It just looks that way because October has (primarily) featured German wines and German wine happs. This is due to TasteLive.com having dedicated the month to featuring selections picked by the organization Wines of Germany (I helped…
Pro Wrestling Takes On Wine In Legal Cage Match
I recently received a press release from the Wine School of Philadelphia, with whom I’ve been discussing taking part in their Sommelier Smackdown event series (basically, in a Smackdown event the Wine School staff take on local wine personalities and wine pros in a contest to match up wines with dinner recipes, and usually much…
From Transylvania Twist to Castell Franken Wine (Tasting German Silvaner)
If I had to sum up the history of Silvaner, the ancient wine grape that probably originated in Transylvania but whose spirit now resides firmly in Germany’s Franken region, in as few words as possible, it would probably look something like this: Short shrift. The problem is not that Silvaner isn’t any good. In fact,…