As much as social media wine wizards and millennials rail against established wine media, most of them (myself included) share with those ‘old media’ types a similar and mistake-prone approach to wine evaluation and appreciation. And that is, the rapid-fire assessment, review, and perfunctory judgment of any given wine. We are judge, jury and executioner…
Author: 1WineDude
Totally Buzzed: Wins Best Wine Blog at Blog Awards
Uhhmmmm… Whoa! I’m not usually at a loss for words (and I suspect that the condition is temporary and will wear off in a few nanoseconds), but my reaction to winning Best Wine Blog in the Blog Awards is… uhmm…. WOW! And THANK YOU. Thank you to Foodbuzz, to all of the people…
Finding the Lost Grape of Bordeaux (Tasting With Chile’s Top Carmenere Winemakers)
Last week, I attended an on-line video conference / wine tasting that involved a handful of wine bloggers from around the U.S., as well as eight of Chile’s most talented young winemakers (congregated in Santiago), moderated by Wines of Chile in N.Y. While I’m used to this kind of cross-time-zone, cross-cultural meeting (as well as…
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini-Reviews Round-up for 2009-11-07
07 Scloss Reinhartshausen Fountain Blue Riesling (Rheingau): ABCs of the region – Austere, Balanced, & Critical mass of apricot goodness # 07 Scloss Reinhartshausen Old Vines Riesling (Rheingau): Victorian-statue austere. White peach & pineapple demand that u kiss their rings! # 07 Schloss Reinhartshausen Erbach Erstes Gewachs Riesling (Rheingau): Peach, tropical fruit & enough booze…