Here’s one for the “it’s NOT just me” department: Remember last week, when I jokingly poked fun (or, as my friends in the U.K. would say, “took the piss out of”) the current state of California vintage reports? Well, most of the people who left comments and contacted me via twitter, facebook, and e-mail took…
Author: 1WineDude
Final Results Are IN for the Grü V Olympics
I recently took part in a fun experiment, in which a group of wine bloggers were sent four Austrian Gruner Veltliner wines to face-off against one another in a head-to-head tasting. The event was billed The Grü V Olympics, the idea being that each blogger scored the wines according to a predefined system with points…
Happier Times = Less Wine? (Will A Better Economy Mean Fewer Wine Blogs?)
I have a theory. And it’s one that I hope will be proven totally false. My theory is that the economy will get better, and it will rebound to more solid ground relatively soon-ish (within two years). That’s not the part that I hope is proven false, by the way. I’m getting to that. So…
Your Screwing Preferences (Giveaway!)
I’m talking about corkscrews, people. Geez, what were you thinkin’? Honestly, this is about wine, it’s supposed to be sophisticated, right? So get your mind out of the gutter already! Since I read up on the topic of corkscrews in the excellent Pocket Edition of Wine For Dummies, I’ve been wondering what corkscrews people prefer. …