Today marks the 67th (!) edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday, and I’m honored to be hosting the event again. For those playing along at home, the gist of WBW is that it brings together multiple people across the wine blog-o-world to review wines on the same date based on a unifying theme. For #67, we…
Author: 1WineDude
Lucky Number 14 (Tasting 13 Appellations’ FOURTEEN)
At the 2010 Professional Wine Writers Symposium (yeah, I know… that topic again?!??), the Napa Valley Vintners (a non-profit trade organization that promotes its members wines and the region as a wine powerhouse generally) hooked us (the attendees) up with wines produced by their various association members. A couple of random bottles of what-have-you in…
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini-Reviews Round-up for 2010-03-20
06 Bastianich Tocai Plus (Colli Orientali): Dense, structured, rich, a honeycomb w/out the sugar. Further proof of Fruili's potential. $66 A # 06 Bastianich Calabrone (Colli Orientali): What Merlot & Refosco taste like after they shrivel up & are carried to heaven by cherubs. $55 A- # 07 Liberty School Chardonnay (Central Coast): Lovely pineapple…
How Should Wine Be Marketed To YOU? (Survey)
I was recently contacted by Rachel Lewis, who is currently working on a marketing master thesis centering on consumer preferences in the US wine market. And YOU can help! According to Rachel: “I am currently doing my marketing master thesis for the Aarhus School of Business located in Aarhus, Denmark. I am originally from Minnesota…