07Atwater Dry Riesling (Finger Lakes): Highway robbery at the price; the kind where U make out like a spice- and limes-loving bandit. $18 B+ # 07 Pina Buckeye Viny'd Howell Mtn Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley): As spicey & herbal as it gets from the Mtn. Superb but not cheap! $85 A # 08 Sutter Home…
Author: 1WineDude
2010 Wine Blog Awards Nominations Now Open
Wine blogs are labors of love, and most of us don’t make retirement-funding levels of income with these things. So, every once in a while, it’s nice to get some validation that what you’re doing is valued (although you frequent commenters do a great job of that in the case of 1WineDude.com!). Awards from your…
How to Bitchslap Your Wine-Monopolizing Legislators
[Editor’s Note: this is a little ditty for those of you who, like the editor, live in one of the many U.S. states that prohibit the direct sale and/or shipping of wine. Enjoy!] Bitchslapping your state legislator is not a simple matter. In fact, it’s fraught with potential pitfalls. What if your legislator is bigger…
Mission: Mendoza – How Well Does Malbec Age? (Guest Post)
This is a guest post from frequent 1WineDude.com contributor Jason Whiteside, who recently attained his WSET Diploma in Wines & Spirits (with Merit). Jason recently returned from a trip to Argentina, cataloged below, in which he went inside Bodega Catena Zapata to answer the question “How Well Does New World Malbec Age?” His trip…