Many moons ago, a very nice young lady by the name of Alana Riley, who had friended me up on twitter, contacted me to see if I was interested in a customized twitter background for my twitter landing page. You know, so I can keep up the appearance of professionalism and all that. Was I…
Author: 1WineDude
My New Year’s Resolutions (What’s Coming Up on 1WD)
Yeah. I know. I’m late. Whatever – I’ve got a two-year-old daughter. At least I’m actually getting around to it, right? I’ve got a simple resolution for 2010, actually, when it comes to, anyway: Make “more betterer!” The devil’s squarely in the details, of course, but the bottom line is that wine blogs,…
Sting Like a “B” (Bastianich’s Ass-Kicking Friuli Goodness)
Usually I prefer to know when wine samples are coming to my door. For the most part this has to do with the vagaries of logistics (will someone be around to sign for the package?), but just as importantly I prefer to know that the wine has some potential value for readers (you folks…
Wine Blogging Wednesday 67: The Wrap-Up!
THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the 67th Wine Blogging Wednesday! It was a blast hosting the event, and I was mightily impressed with the high quality of the articles that were written around the theme of choosing what wine you’d use to introduce white wine drinkers to the pleasures of wed wine imbibing. …