Yeah, I know right? There’s an upside to more and more wine being made more and more in an “international” style by more and more producers in more and more regions? Yes, there is. Yes, I’m serious. No, I haven’t been drinking too much wine while writing this. First, we need to explain what the…
Author: 1WineDude
Invisible, Man (Sampling New Stemware from Ravenscroft)
Given its name, you’d expect the “invisibles collection” – a new line of glassware from crystal makers Ravenscroft, to be light, and probably thin. You’d be right of course, based on the stemware sample that they sent to me recently. What you might not expect, though, is the effect that the “Invisibles” glass has…
Baby’s Got Malbec (Heading to the International Malbec Days in Cahors)
If you live in the U.S. (and chances are high that if you’re reading this, you are in the U.S.), then it’s likely that you’ve been drinking some low-priced Malbec wine lately. Don’t take my word for it – for some hard data on Malbec drinking trends in the U.S., you can check out a…
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini-Reviews Round-up for 2010-05-15
06 Ravines Dry Riesling (Finger Lakes): Going for “steely” and hitting the mark w/ fennel, floral, and a firm acid structure. $17 B # 08 Ravines Argetsinger Vineyard Dry Riesling (Finger Lakes): The Asian pear & sweet apple are good now but the acid promises a future $25 B+ # 07 Ravines Cabernet Franc (Finger…