07 Phifer Pavitt “Date Night” Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley): Very good, but your date had better like really, *really* ripe fruit. $75 B+ # 10 Chasing Venus Sauvignon Blanc (Marlborough): Bolder than a tattooed Kiwi sunbather on a tropical (and herbal) nudist beach. $16 B # NV J Wineyards & Winery Brut Rose (Russian River…
Author: 1WineDude
Visiting Hestan: More Money Than God, And A Pretty Tasty Cabernet, Too
The point when (or is that where… damn, I can never keep that straight) any normal person realizes that Stanley Cheng is loaded, and I mean God-calls-him-when-He-needs-a-loan loaded, probably comes pretty early during the course of meeting him; in my case, it came about ten minutes before I met him, while coasting up the lengthy,…
The (Worst-Kept) Secret: How I’m Able To Try Going Pro In The Wine Biz
Here’s a snippet of a fictional conversation between me and a wine writer. I use the term “fictional” because it’s not a word-for-word retelling, but (somewhat shockingly) it’s more-or-less a conversation I’ve had with several people in the wine biz in the past few months. Me: Hey, good to see you again! How are things?…
Blogger Lew Bryson Brings The Smack-Down on PLCB Chair Patrick Stapleton In NPR Interview
Yesterday, NPR.com posted one of the latest Radio Times episodes in which host Marty Moss-Coane interviews PLCB Chair Patrick Stapleton and anti-PLCB Blogger Lew Bryson. The two face off for a short time, and Lew delivers a bit of a smack-down. Several callers also mentioned that PA seems to have one of the most bizarre…