Uhm, like what is this stuff? I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine sample tasting notes via twitter (limited to 140 characters). They are meant to be fun, quickly-and-easily-digestible reviews. Below is a wrap-up of the twitter reviews from the past week…
Author: 1WineDude
Weekly Wine Quiz: Que Es Quefort?
Welcome to the next installment of the Weekly Wine Quiz! Based on feedback from ever-so-vocal-and-intelligent YOU, I will not be supplying the answer directly in the post – you will need to tune back in later in the comments section for the answer. So you can put your answer in the comments for potential bragging…
If You Give A Wine Geek A Savennières…
If you give a wine geek a Savennières, eventually he’ll want to take a trip to Savennières. If he takes a press trip to Savennières, he’s probably going to want to visit a Chateau. Even if it snows and it’s bitterly cold. Even if that area of the Loire valley hasn’t seen snow in a…
Me, You And Wines.com, Too
I’m happy to announce what most of you reading this already know, which is that I’m now a featured contributor to the video blog on Wines.com. You can check out my first installment, in which I brave the wilderness of my backyard to talk about the brouhaha surrounding the Natural Wine movement. The idea behind…