The Force was, indeed, with us when we set out for San Francisco earlier this year, in part to break bread with two of my favorite wine industry pros: the talented, elegant, and award-winning Tonya Pitts of SF’s venerable One Market restaurant; and my partner in crime business, the irrepressible and dutiful wine scribe Jonathan…
Author: 1WineDude
Blogger. Wine-O. Bass Funkifier. Hiney Shaker.
Wine Reviews: Mini Round-Up for May 1, 2023
Porch Sipping (Talking Wine Storage For
A quick-hit to tell you that I was recently asked to provide some advice on wine storage dos/don’ts for So I obliged, because I decided that it was a good opportunity to plug my book, which is what one does in that scenario, right?!? Anyway, there’s some decent information provided by the other folks…