So, like what is this stuff, anyway? I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine sample tasting notes with you via twitter (limited to 140 characters). They are meant to be quirky, fun, and easily-digestible. Below is a wrap-up of the twitter reviews…
Author: 1WineDude
Weekly Wine Quiz: Scuppers The Wine? (And Bound For Oz!)
Welcome to the Weekly Wine Quiz! Based on feedback from ever-so-vocal-and-intelligent peeps like you, I do not supply the quiz answer directly in the post – you will need to tune back in later in the comments section for the answer. Blah, blah, blah – you know all this already… Now, this week I’m off…
In Pursuit Of (And Catching) Balance With Raj Parr’s Sandhi Wines in NYC
With the In Pursuit Of Balance tasting (which recently hit NYC), co-creators Parr and Jasmine Hirsch (of Hirsch Vineyards) have brought together some of the most exciting – and highest quality – producers of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay in California (many of which hail from the West Sonoma Coast, where those wines are rapidly reaching…
Uber-Critic Robert Parker Drops The Gloves In Sommelier Journal Interview
Though certainly at what many would consider well-deserved retirement age (he turns 65 this year), Robert Parker – still the single most influential critic of any kind in the world – is not retiring any time soon. If you’ve read the interview with Parker by sommelier David D. Denton in the April 15, 2012 issue…