Welcome to the Weekly Wine Quiz, amigos! Based on feedback from ever-so-vocal-and-intelligent peeps like you, I supply the quiz question each week, but do *not* supply the quiz answer directly in the post – YOU supply your best guess for the answer in the comments, and then tune back in later today in the comments…
Author: 1WineDude
Modern Wines, Old School Humility, And… Tank Hosing (Tasting Miguel Merino Recent Releases in Rioja Alta)
“In Spain, when you’re fifteen, sixteen years old, you have to decide what you want to study: Science or Humanities,” joked Rioja’s Miguel Merino. “I chose Humanities… so I can’t let the wine go wrong, otherwise I won’t know what to do to make money!” The diminutive Merino, who spent twenty years in various aspects…
The 4 Most Frequently Asked Questions From #WBC12
During the 2012 Wine Bloggers Conference in Portland, I talked. A lot. And I talked to a lot of people. Some just wanted to say hi, some wanted photos with me (still trying to figure that out… because I’m not really a photogenic subject!), and others wanted my advice or thoughts on various wine- and…
Wined Down: Catching Up With Rocker Maynard James Keenan On Local Wine
Last week, my latest Wined Down column for Playboy.com hit the Global Interwebs, and authoring it was an experience I won’t soon forget. Firstly, it involved me interviewing someone over IP phone software using my laptop. I had to use the laptop becaue I needed a battery. I needed a battery because I didn’t have…