Welcome to the Weekly Wine Quiz, where things are about to get a little… sticky… Standard disclaimer: based on feedback from ever-so-vocal-and-intelligent peeps like you, I supply the quiz question each week, but I do *not* supply the quiz answer at first. YOU supply your best guess for the answer in the comments, and then…
Author: 1WineDude
1WineDude.com TV Episode 54: The Gina Gallo Interview (Tasting Through Gallo’s Signature Series Recent Releases)
Wanna get inside the head of one of THE most powerful people in the entire wine world? Start watchin’ already – because that’s exactly what we do with Gina Gallo in today’s episode of 1WD TV. 1WineDude.com TV Episode 54: The Gina Gallo Interview [ Editors note: For those not totally up on the current…
Wine Blogging Isn’t Dead (To Those Who Are Paying Attention)
I hate this debate. Actually, I love the debate, I just hate the way it’s being presented; namely, without a single shred of hard evidence to back up the claims that wine blogs are now dinosaurs. People, wine blogging is, quite literally, about Kindergarten age. Wine blogging has been around for something like 7 years,…
Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For September 10, 2012
So, like what is this stuff, anyway? I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine reviews (mostly from samples) and tasting notes with you via twitter (limited to 140 characters). They are meant to be quirky, fun, and easily-digestible reviews of currently available…