When describing what makes his family’s wines (and those from Italy’s Romagna in general) unique, Ronchi di Castelluccio‘s Aldo Mario Rametta keeps coming back to one thing: the soil. “The soil is like a memory of the sea,” he says (rather poetically) during an online tasting of some of his family’s recent releases (which also…
Author: 1WineDude
“Built from Nothing” (Domaine Bousquet Recent Releases)
Last October, when I met up with Domaine Bousquet‘s Anne Bousquet in NYC’s Baires Grill for what seems to have become an annual catch-up on their new releases, I realized that there waws one question that I’d never asked her. Bousquet has a lot of SKUs, relatively speaking (over 50, by my last count); how…
Old Vines, New Steps (Pedroncelli Recent Releases)
“Old vines are great, but they’re, well, old.” Late last year, I had the pleasure of catching up (via Zoom) with Julie Julie Pedroncelli, who (after her father officially retired at the age of 90) is now President of Pedroncelli, a stalwart fixture on the Sonoma wine scense since its founding in 1927. With their…
“The Opposite Direction Than Everybody Else” (Eugenio Collavini Recent Releases)
“There’s no air conditioning, and I am sweating!” The affable Luigi Collavini from Eugenio Collavini says that he’s uncomfortable in his family’s warm wine offices during our online tasting back in August; but you wouldn’t notice it on our Zoom call. Luigi is animated, and clearly eager to share his family’s story (and wines). One…