So, like, what is this stuff, anyway? I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine reviews (mostly from samples) and tasting notes with you via twitter (limited to 140 characters). They are meant to be quirky, fun, and easily-digestible reviews of currently available…
Author: 1WineDude
There Are NO St. Patrick’s Day Wine Picks (March 2014 Wine Articles, And My Birthday Wine Lineup)
Technically there was a holiday this month, but I could not bring myself to hazard conjuring up some long-shot wine pairing for St. Patrick’s Day in March. Just… uhm… No. No way. Anything along that vein is (being kind here) a desperate stretch. I mean, look, why would you even do that? What’s wrong with…
Nielsen’s Emerging Trends In Beverage Alcohol 2014 (“Wine Is Winning”)
Frequent 1WD readers know that I get a bit, er, cantankerous when I notice long-standing wine industry types make wildly speculative – or even downright inaccurate – claims about how the wine industry functions, without citing any data in support of their crap claims. This happens (just a guesstimate) roughly every seven minutes or so …
Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For March 24, 2014
So, like, what is this stuff, anyway? I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine reviews (mostly from samples) and tasting notes with you via twitter (limited to 140 characters). They are meant to be quirky, fun, and easily-digestible reviews of currently available…