A couple of weeks ago, I rang in the new year with Laurie Forster, host of the WBAL radio show The Sipping Point.
This is my second appearance on TPS, the first coming around Easter of 2012. This time around, Laurie and I traded our (combined) top ten new year’s resolutions for the wine biz. Some of my 2014 wishes for the wine industry definitely qualify as entrants into the “broken record” category (such as “wine brands: get online, already” and “stop treating wine scores as if they were etched into Moses’ ten commandment stone tablets”), but others might come as a bit of a surprise (“wineries: you don’t need a mobile app; you need to align yourself with a good general-purpose wine app!”). In any case, I’m guessing that the 2014 resolution/wish list picks that Laurie and I came up with will ruffle a few (or more) wine industry type feathers (so what else is new, right?).
Anyway, it might make for some fun listening while you avoid doing something boring but important, like working.
You can check out the interview via iTunes, or listen/download via the embed below. It’s SFW, this being Baltimore radio and all that, so I was on (reasonably, for me) good behavior. If you’re really impatient (guilty!), you can read a Cliff Notes version of our lists at Laurie’s website.
The Sipping Point Radio: 2014 Wine Wish List
Unless I am missing something, the link to "align yourself with a good general-purpose wine app!" goes to the wrong place.