Alternative titles: “Milk Drunk” and “Like Father, Like Daughter!”
Month: August 2008
Preferred Vantage Point
Alternative title: “Through a Wine Glass, Darkly”
Don’t Feed the Trolls Part Deux: Tales from the Snake-Pit
Remember earlier today, when I said it was “Non-Post Week” here at Ok, so I lied. Well, I didn’t intend to lie, it just, kind of… you know… happened. I’m interrupting (already!) our previously scheduled ‘Non-Post’ week non-event to share with you a link to my buds over at Wine Biz Radio, who were…
Non-Post Week!
Welcome to “Non-Post Week” here at This week, I will not be writing any posts (aside from this brief bit of introduction, anyway). Instead, I will be taking a mini-vacation from writing, and will offer up wine-related images that I’ve taken over the years. This is not to showcase my photography skills – which…