In this episode of 1WineDude TV, I struggle mightily with the ZORK wine closure, and taste a couple of CA Zinfandels from Manzanita Creek… the kind of Zins that could beat you up, steal your lunch money, and give you a wedgie… with seriously mixed results. Also, inappropriate references are made to “marital aid dual purpose” massagers and late-70s sitcoms. Enjoy!
2008 Manzanita Creek Three Vines Zinfandel (Sonoma County)
Price: $28
Rating: B
You’ll need to like ‘em (very) big, but if you do then it’s the kind of juice you will want to pop open when your family fires up the ribs with the secret-recipe spice rub (more detail in the vid).
Thanks Joe!
Now I'm never going to look at a Zork the same way again!
For the record, I like the Zork closure — I also use the closure again on other bottles — the flat profile fits better in the fridge.
Best wishes,
Nannette Eaton
Nannette – thanks, good point, I hadn't thought of the fridge thing. I should note that the ability to put the closure back in easily is a plus, too. It's just so… odd-looking, though… I know, I need to grow up…
I used ZORKS to finish my meads last year. We'll see how they perform in a few months.
SUAMW – would LOVE to hear back on they work out!
Give me a few months. Of course, I have no controls and mead – like wine – evolves in the bottle.
I have had such limited exposure to mead. Maybe had it 3 times, tops. But i love beer, and expect that I would dig a well-made mead, so I am hoping for a 4th time!
I saw this wine yesterday and I first thought it had wax around the top. Not until this vid did i realize what it actually was, thanks for that!
Nannette's point was also a good one. Me being the only wine drinker in my house, I regularly have to put half a bottle into the fridge and enjoy the rest of it within the next couple of days. So popping the top back to create a nice seal is a definite plus.
On a side note, this is the first time I've seen any of your videos. Are you looking at someone to your left? It felt a bit awkward watching your eyes look over in that direction. It was much more natural when you looked right into the camera…. just thought you'd like to know. Thanks!
@Fastballosc – thanks for the feedback, that had to do with checking on the screen that the camera focus was working properly between the bottle/closure closeups and then back to my head (the perils of one man operations! :). I will make a point not to worry about that too much in the future, since none of these are gonna be nominated for Oscars anytime soon. Thanks!