It’s time to wrap up 2019. Actually, it’s past time to wrap up 2019, but I’m dealing with the post-holiday hangovers just as much as you folks, so this particular wrap-up is a few days late. And I’ve already decided that I’m drinking wine again tonight… ok, maybe I’m not quite finished with the holiday habgovers.
Anyway… here’s the 2019 version of the 1WD year in review, featuring the Top Ten 1WD articles of said year, as measured by reader eyeballs. The short version: you people, as always, love controversy. But you also love underdogs, and for that especially I loves you back hard!…
10. Southern Rhône’s Troubled Middle Child (Welcome To Lirac)
Continuing the love-fest theme, I loved seeing this make the Top 10 most viewed 1WD pieces of the year, as it was one of my fave articles of the last twelve months to write, and it kindled a newfound love in me for one of France’s most underrated regions. Merci, mes amis!
9. Long-haired Hippy Good Guy (Spicewood Vineyards Recent Releases)
Another off-the-beaten-path feature, this time in the form of Spicewood, one of Texas’s most intrepidly forward-thinking – and, I’d add, one of the state’s best – producers.
8. On The Retirement Of Robert Parker
Because we had to milk that click-bait cash cow at least one more time before he rode off into the sunset, right?
7. “Not California” (Exploring Idaho Wine Country)
Did I mention that I love you guys? Talk about cheering for the underdog. You seem to like wine regions about which little has been penned (either that, or you like seeing photos of me nearly being tossed into a river while rafting the rapids…).
6. The Debate about Online Wine Influencers is a Stupid Waste of Time
Basically, the title. Sometimes history repeats itself in the worst ways (I’m looking at you, U.S. wine industry).
5. Losing Battle? (Talking Wine And Millennial Consumers On NPR)
This was probably my favorite professional moment of 2019, so I’m pleased as spiked punch to see it on the popular list. I mean, it’s not that often that you get to check an item off of the bucket list (in this case, being interviewed on NPR), even if one still tends to cringe when hearing one’s own recorded voice.
4. When It Comes to Wine, Big Isn’t Evil – It’s Essential
My reaction to everyone else’s reaction to a blog post about the massive size of the world’s largest wine producers. The bottom line is that the fine wine market as we know (and love) it would not exist without a portion of the overall wine market being commoditized (change my mind).
3. Congrats, US Wine Industry – You Blew It! (Thoughts On Fine Wine And Millennial Consumers)
Easily the most painful rant of the year for me to write, this one resonated (for good and ill) with many; it was a sad year, in that the wine business (it could be argued) officially entered the era of playing catch-up to many other luxury goods for millenial mindshare.
2. Blah Blah Blah, Natural Wine, Blah Blah Blah
2019, a.k.a. the Year that the Natural Wine Movement Jumped the Shark.
1. Holy Sh*tballs! (The US Wine Market’s Impending Hangover)
Based on the numbers, my take on the immediate-to-mid-term future of the U.S. wine market is a bit (or, more than a bit) bleak. Some agreed, many disagreed, but damn near the entire U.S. wine business tuned in for the show.
Cheers – and Happy New Year, you marvelous lushes!